Mutli Mouse

July 31st, 2008 by admin

For a project we completed early this year, we put together a system that simplifies communication between multiple networked computers. We are now using this system to create experimental interfaces that enable users to work both independently and collaboratively. The video below shows a sketch of such an interface. Users can drag colored blocks around with their mouse. They can also drag the shapes to the edge of their screens, where other users can then take them. It is also possible for two users to manipulate the shapes at the same time. Through this collaboration, the shapes can be rotated.

tsfim_video(450, 300, ‘blog/multimouseinterface_poster.jpg’, ‘blog/multimouseinterface.flv’);

Sketching ’08

July 30th, 2008 by admin

Over the weekend, The Studio had the opportunity to participate in the Sketching in Hardware physical computing conference. Most of the discussion centered around current and future tools for creating physical computing prototypes, and how to better coordinate efforts between the engineers, educators, artists, and hobbyists working on these problems.

Check out the sponsors: Thing M + Tellart. Flickr has lots of pictures

Text Exploder

July 14th, 2008 by admin

So here’s something that I’ve been working with: Node Box. One of the toys I made was based around Tom De Smedt’s Letter Knitter, which modifies font glyphs. My project exports the modified glyphs as xml so that flash can then load them in and display them. The result can be seen on one of our site covers, “Exploded Type via Node Box”. Aside from access to font paths another handy feature of Node Box is the ability to export PDFs; which you can then bring into Illustrator for all kinds of fun.

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